Photos: Food in Mexico

Preparing quesadillas and huarache negra

Agua de horchata
(sweet milk with blended rice and cinammon)

Different kinds of mole
(a pouder, thats been turned into a special sauce)

Mango, papaya, mamey and many more

Delicious handmade ice cream

Maracuyá ice cream

My first ceviche
(raw fish with tomato, lime and onions)

(fermented maguey, a type of agave)

Ice cream
(made from red and blue corn)

(as a whole or in a soup)

Pizza with huitlacoche
(a type of  edible fungus that grows only on corn)

(as a whole or peeled and soaked)

Cecina (salted and cured meat) with avocado,
hot peppers, cheese and nopal (cactus)

Agua fresca de pepino
(cucumber juice with water and lime) 
Margarita maracuyá
(with mezcal)

Panos in heaven

Chapulines and gusanos
(grasshoppers and red worms)

A leaf of the avocado tree
getting roasted to flavour a sauce

Different types of meat
and tortillas in the middle

Agua de papaya (left)
A dish with local meat (middle)
Warm tortillas in a cloth (right) 

Fresh tortillas filled with cheese

Three different types of tortillas

A local market

Different types of bananas

Delicious grilled bananas

Colourful variety of vegetables

Hand made tortillas at the market

(corn paste wrapped in banana leaf and boiled) 

Nothing goes to waste

Bread galore

(squash like vegetable, boiled and ready to eat)

(local fruit, picked up in the jungle)

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