# 182 - Food in Indonesia

Arriving in Asia we were expecting a different cuisine. Indonesia proved to be even more than we hoped for. The variety of dishes and tastes overwhelmed us in a positive way. Every day we got to try new food, fruits or drinks.

Rice in Indonesia is king. People eat it for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Yes, even breakfast. Many times we would start our day by having fried rice or hot soup even though it was very hot and humid outside.

We were eating most of our meals in a type of food establishment called 'warung'. They are either little restaurants or food stands at the side of the road. There, you eat either on a chair with a table, or on a carpet with a low table, or on a carpet with no table and you put your food on your lap. But no matter what type of warung you choose, the food is always cheap and delicious.

Bakso, bakmi, soto, rawon, pecel, gado-gado, nasi goreng, cap cay, krupuk, tempe, tahu. So many different names to remember. What's soup, what's fish, what's meat, what's sweet? After a couple of weeks we figured it out. But the most important phrase is 'nggak pedas'. Always remember to ask for 'not spicy', because trust us, you can't handle Indonesian heat.

Another thing we were very excited about was the huge variety of so many different exotic fruits we never tried before, like jackfruit, salak, sawo, dragonfruit and mangosteen (one of the most expensive fruits in the western world). A special mention goes to durian, the fruit that you either love or hate. Nikoletta couldn't stand the smell nor taste comparing it to stagnant water and rotten egg while Panos loved it and reminded him of melon and caramel.

We took plenty of photos. You can check them out in the page "Photos: Food in Indonesia" above or use this link: "Photos: Food in Indonesia"

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